Living the American Dream

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Rural Ramblings

I daresay when Americans think of England, they often conjure up rural scenes of country villages and the local pub. This is isn't always the case, but just so you shouldn't be disappointed, we sort out one place that really does exist, the tiny village of Letchmore Heath in Hertfordshire.
Letchmore Heath's other claim to fame is that it is the home of the Bhaktivedanta Manor, a Hare Krishna retreat established by Beatle George Harrison in the 1970s.
So for the purposes of the blog at least, I can prove England still has some quaint scenery and lovely places to visit. Of course I could have just as easily pasted up pictures of crumbling urban areas full of graffiti and litter. Not to mention smashed telephone boxes and abandoned lorries at the side of the road. I could have written about the cost of living, employment situation and the fact that the new Mayor of London is a buffoon who only got the post because his predecessor was even worse.
So this is how I would prefer you to think of England, but remember, if it always roses round the door, I probably wouldn't be living in Naperville.


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