Weather Warning
A word of warning. Any visitors to the Chicago area should always bring the following, regardless of the time of year.
1. A warm overcoat.
2. A light sweater.
3. A tank top.
4. A woolly hat
5. A sunhat
6. Chilblain cream.
7. Suntan lotion.
8. Snow shoes.
9. Sandles.
10. A snow shovel.
11. A fan.
This weekend, the temperature reached 80 degrees on Saturday, 45 degrees on Sunday and today it is currently 81 degrees. Be warned.
1. A warm overcoat.
2. A light sweater.
3. A tank top.
4. A woolly hat
5. A sunhat
6. Chilblain cream.
7. Suntan lotion.
8. Snow shoes.
9. Sandles.
10. A snow shovel.
11. A fan.
This weekend, the temperature reached 80 degrees on Saturday, 45 degrees on Sunday and today it is currently 81 degrees. Be warned.
What crazy weather! Right now in Florida all you really need is your allergy tablets, nose spray, kleenex and of course sun screen!
Placido, at 10:42 PM
As they say in Chicago, "If you don't like the weather, wait till tommorrow!"
sucke01, at 3:09 PM
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