Living the American Dream

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day here in America, and it was quite different to the one we celebrated in England in March.
Firstly the advertising began on TV for a good couple of weeks before. Now I know America is the world's richest country, but diamonds from your children? Well, yes, if the ads are to be believed. All I can say is they must get more pocket money than my kids.
On the day itself, there were families everywhere, particularly in restaurants. Both there and in shops, assistants handed out carnations to all women over the age of puberty.
Similarly Happy Mother's Day seemed to be a greeting said to all women, whether they were your mother or not.
Of course I still think my personal Mother's Day in England was better. That was the day I moved my own children out into a flat in London, just before flying across the world without them. Now that's a cause for celebration!


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