Living the American Dream

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I thought celebrity bar tending would be fun, but now I'm not so sure. Had a quick practise last night, and do you know, it's like a real job? I was hoping there would be a jug of something made up I could pour out, but no, I'm meant to make cocktails, open beers and pour wine. To make matters worse, the other bar tenders are young, slim and beautiful (well, apart from the one man amongst us, although he's still way younger than I am).
So the way I see it, while they're flitting about being perky and lovely, I'm going to wrap my hair in a scarf, put on overalls and mop the floors. I'll run round collecting glasses and sweep peanut shells off the floor. It's actually a very sophisticated establishment, so I'll have to drop them their first myself, but at least it'll keep me out of the way of the bar.


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