Living the American Dream

Sunday, September 27, 2009

If They Had A Hammer

"Right a bit, right a bit more. Ow!"
We were at the synagogue this morning helping out with the annual sukkah building. For more info try clicking here, or if that doesn't work, just Google it. What do think I'm here to do? Educate?
"Not sure we want you here, I've seen the video," said Bernie to Grumpy, referring to his old TV appearance.
"We need a saw," said Greg. "You can't do this without a saw."
"It's looking good."
"Not from this angle it doesn't."
"Is it too late to call Ty Pennington?"
So how many men does it take to put up a sukkah? One to hold a hammer and 10 to stand around telling him what to do. Plus another ready to call a lawyer. In times of crisis, Jews will always call a lawyer before a doctor.
"You know what happened to the first Jewish carpenter," warned someone.
If white men can't jump, then Jewish men can't build. What's the use of banding together for a bit of team building when all your congregants are professionals? I bet Poles and Mexicans would be able to build a great sukkah.
Anyhow, three hours later and a week early it was done. We don't actually need it until Friday night, to commemorate the festival of Sukkot or Tabernacles.
Tonight sees the start of our holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, when we fast and spend all day praying for forgiveness. Let's all hope we'll be forgiven if the sukkah blows down before we need it!


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