St Patrick's Day came early to Naperville this year, which was a bit of a shame as the weather was pretty much the same as it would be in Ireland at this time of year. But never ones to let the rain spoil a parade, Napervillians turned out to celebrate.

"I warned this would happen if you dyed your own hair. It's turned out green!"

Although he did gain some admirers...

"If it rains much more, it really will be a river dance."

The line for the ladies toilet is always the longest...

Ding ding! Annette Wehrli decides it's better to stay dry.

The Easter Bunny puts in an early appearance.


"Y me?" asks Jaycees president Courtney Brown.

Mobile window box anyone?

With the new ban on candy being thrown from floats, there was only one way to make sure the children got their fix (and no, that's not a joke).

Quigley's Irish Pub set the parade ablaze. This was no problem, since they brought along their own fire engine...

Pretty in pink, some people obviously didn't get the e mail about dressing in green...

The 400lb elephant in the parade.

Mark Kirk is wasting his time if he wants our vote - we don't have one!

The latest version of the Smart car makes driving around town a dream.

Local councilmen (and woman). Wonder of any of them are representing the Green party?

Even St Patrick has to take a back seat to our own Mayor O'Pradel.

"Keeping on playing men, they'll never notice you're playing Scotland the Brave."

Local residents waste no time in boarding the ark as the rain increases.

Guess who?

"You can take this hemorrhoid back. I've got enough of my own through sitting here in the rain."

Not sure this is what they meant by "painting the town green."
Well done Hilary! Next best thing to standing out in the rain watching the parade! Who am I kidding? Much better than standing out in the rain.....
Steph (aka Duchess O"Douglas)
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
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