Living the American Dream

Sunday, April 11, 2010

George Hood Spin Doctor: Ready, Steady, Go!

What with Olympic gold medalists and Oxford University coxswains, it came as no surprise to me to find out we have a Guinness World record breaker in our midst too. This evening George Hood set off on a 300 hour endurance test on a spin bike. He's already achieved the record twice, but it just keeps being broken, so this time he told me he's going the extra mile (!) to make sure he holds onto it.
The attempt began at 21.00 hours tonight, with his 16-year-old son Andrew setting the timer.

Of course George won't actually be going anywhere, but if he did he'd be able to reach L.A.!

"Hey George, this English woman's offering to take over if you get tired."

I'll be following George's attempt in the Naperville Sun and here on the blog over the next 12 1/2 days so keep checking in. As well as the world record, he's also hoping to raise $200,000 for wounded marines and the United Way. If you'd like to donate visit For those of you in the area, stop by and cheer him on at Aurora Marketplace Shopping Center, on Route 59 and 75th Street.


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