Living the American Dream

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tree Huggers

It seems like only yesterday it was still mid-winter here in Chicagoland. In fact, it was yesterday. Today, however, it is mid-summer. The temperature is approaching 80 degrees, the sun is shining and the local inhabitants have come out of hibernation.
I was excited when my friend Jill came to pick me up yesterday lunchtime. Less so, when it transpired we were going to see where she works. On such a beautiful day, why wander round an office, I thought?
Another misconception blown out of the water. Jill works at the Morton Arboretum, a local beauty spot. Actually, at 1,700 acres, it's technically a bit more than a spot.
The Arboretum is a huge park full of a luscious trees and lakes. There is a children's playground, a maze and fascinating wild life. The cafe sits on the edge of a lake. The panoramic view from the massive plate glass windows would be worth the entrance fee alone.
Walking around the grounds we even came across an artist at work. Of course in this neck of the woods, it wasn't just someone with an easle. Patrick Dougherty builds vast sculptures from tree saplings. He had a team of volunteers hard at work helping him, and the project should be completed in time Arbor Day, a national celebration of trees which takes place in this area next weekend.


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