Run Ragged
Some people just don't deserve to have servants. (see Clean Sweep). Today my new help paid her second visit. I duly got up at 6.30 a.m. to prepare the house for her arrival at 6.55 a.m. (yes, honestly). This time we didn't even pretend to converse, mainly because her English isn't good enough and even as an English teacher, I don't have the time during her busy schedule to teach her much.
As last week, she did a stirling job, but as she left presented me with her cell phone. On the other end was Paul, the man who runs the operation.
"Ze gerel tells me you still do not hev enough rags," he reprimanded.
"But I bought new ones, specially," I answered sheepishly. I felt like I was giving an excuse for not handing in my homework on time.
"Yes, you bought one, two. She needs 20. She cannot clean floor properly wizzout ze rags. You know, she had to bring her own rags today? Get more for next time pliz."
I know my house isn't what you would call small, but it's not that big.
"Und ze paper towel. It is too gud. Get cheap stuff. You don't need zuch gud stuff. Ok?"
Wiz zat, sorry, with that, he hung up. I sheepishly handed Kristina back her phone.
As she left, she shot me a smile, the one the school bully reserves for his weakest victims.
I have obviously failed in my attempt at being an employer of servants. So if anyone reading this has some rags, can you please forward them on?
As last week, she did a stirling job, but as she left presented me with her cell phone. On the other end was Paul, the man who runs the operation.
"Ze gerel tells me you still do not hev enough rags," he reprimanded.
"But I bought new ones, specially," I answered sheepishly. I felt like I was giving an excuse for not handing in my homework on time.
"Yes, you bought one, two. She needs 20. She cannot clean floor properly wizzout ze rags. You know, she had to bring her own rags today? Get more for next time pliz."
I know my house isn't what you would call small, but it's not that big.
"Und ze paper towel. It is too gud. Get cheap stuff. You don't need zuch gud stuff. Ok?"
Wiz zat, sorry, with that, he hung up. I sheepishly handed Kristina back her phone.
As she left, she shot me a smile, the one the school bully reserves for his weakest victims.
I have obviously failed in my attempt at being an employer of servants. So if anyone reading this has some rags, can you please forward them on?
Go to HomoDepot or a local auto parts store and get yourself a bundle of "bags of rags". Make certain to wash them first as the lint is excessive. Zees vill be perfekt! Und you VILL NOT be skolded again by Herr Doktor Kleanerschnitzel! Then, stop at Costco and purchase some large packages of the least expensive paper towels you can find... Costco brand or Marcal will do. Ok, I've done enough for today. That will be all, you are dismissed!
Unknown, at 4:22 PM
I just love zis dialok. Cannot wait for ze next kleanik session.
Corinne, at 11:27 AM
Loving the blog.............I can't believe that shops sell 'bags of rags'. What happened to J-cloths?
Adele, at 4:04 PM
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