Let It Snow...Let It Snow..Let It Snow....
You really know it's winter when you wake up to 5" of snow! I was actually woken at 5.30 a.m. by the snow plow circling around our cul-de-sac. I'm not complaining, of course. Any help is welcomed. It's a pity they didn't go up and down the driveway too. This is our first real heavy snowfall here and as it's new I totally love it. However, I'm sure after a week of this I'll be pulling in a few favours from friends in warmer climates! So no comments about how pretty it is and how you don't see this kind of weather in Florida, please. Just send me a plane ticket that I can use when the airport opens up again!
We do sometimes see snow in England, but just in case it's new to the locals, I decided to be generous.
This is what I used to clear the driveway. I thought we were very well prepared having bought it a couple of weeks ago.
Our neighbours were even more organised. They had a company in to do it. Must get their number...
At first I wondered why our neighbour John was mowing the lawn in such terrible conditions. Then I realised he has a snow blower. (Guess what Ross is getting for Chanukah this year?)
Our little lights turned into Santa's elves overnight.
So how did you I think I knew it was 5"?
I'm sure the mailman will appreciate how pretty the mailbox looks when he's driven through a blizzard and trudged through drifts to give us our junk mail.
Stop showing off...............we're soooooooooooo jealous
Adele, at 3:16 PM
Hi, Hilary.
I am the web developer for The Naperville Cultural Center. You have been added to our web site as the "Famous Featured Blogger." Your blog is accessible from every page on the site. We will also be adding a link to your blog from the scrolling "Special Events and Announcements." You can check it out here: www.naperculture.org.
I really enjoy your writing. It simply makes me smile.
Looking forward to your future blogs!
Anonymous, at 4:18 AM
Thank you so much Peggy.
Hilary, at 7:58 AM
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