Living the American Dream

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grumpy, the Tool Man Nailer

Entering the sanctuary for Friday night services last night, I was beckoned over by someone I have spoken to, but I'm afraid whose name alludes me.
"Have you got an electric torch?" He asked me.
I pretended to search myself. I looked around. The place was as bright as day, mainly because it doesn't get dark at the moment until 8.30 p.m.
"Er no," I confessed. "Is this the beginning of a joke?"
"No," he laughed. "I've been reading an English do-it-yourself magazine, and they call what we call a flashlight, an electric torch."
Fascinating. I tried to stifle a yawn.
"Well technically we would just call it a torch," I said, feeling like an alien from another planet, albeit with a much higher intelligence of course. "You'd need an awfully long lead if it was electric."
Unfazed he continued. "They have different names for hammers too," he told me. He switched his attention to Grumpy, who had just ambled up. "Tell me, what do you call the thing you use to tap in panel pins?" he said, obviously not knowing his past history in the world of D-I-Y.
"A hammer," he replied, not missing a beat.


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