Living the American Dream

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Gas Guzzlers

Gas, or petrol as we fondly refer to it in Britain, is a big problem here in the U.S. With prices up to nearly a quarter of what we paid in England a year ago, the Yanks are nearing fever pitch. I predict this year's best selling Christmas gift will be a gas card.
I too have problems in this area. Not with the cost, God knows I don't actually go anywhere, but with getting it into my car. Try as I might, the nozzle never holds it's position in the fuel cap (or whatever that holey thing is called). That means to get the stuff into the car I have to hold it steady and click it 4,000 times (ok 6 or 7) before my car is full. I swear it would be easier to bung it a few hamburgers now and again.
Tonight I decided enough was enough and so I asked Grumpy to come with me to show me where I was going wrong. (Regular readers will know where this is going).
The first problem was that I had to drive with him in the car. Without a passenger, my driving is faultless. I'm always the correct position on the road, and 9/10 times I'm even on the right (or is that left?)
With him. A disaster. I had more fun on my driving test.
"You're too near the side of the road," said the man who previously complained I was swerving into the middle. Some people are never satisfied.
Then I stopped at a light. I couldn't turn right on red because the car in front of me was stuck. As it pulled off and I followed, I glanced left to make sure I was clear.
"What are you doing?" he shouted. "It's green. You don't have to look."
"And your work buddies wonder why I don't share the driving on our road trips," I muttered.
Anyway, a minute later I was at my usual garage. The one that gives me trouble, which ever pump I use. It's open 24 hours a day. This evening it was closed. Typical.
"I don't know why you don't use the one nearest to the house," said Grumpy helpfully. "Go back. And watch the side of the road."
You might guess what happened at the next gas station. The nozzle went in first time. A three-year-old could successfully have used it on their pedal car.
"I don't know what you were making such a fuss about," said Grumpy as I filled up the car.
Luckily with the distance I drive, I won't have to go back until August.....


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