Living the American Dream

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Loved Me Tenders

Seems everyone here in Memphis met Elvis at sometime. Today we had lunch in the Flying Fish, a restaurant where the speciality was catfish - served in its entirety still on the road and deep fried. (Well if they could have fitted the rod in the deep fryer I'm sure it would have).
I opted for a healthy salad, which naturally turned up smothered in deep fried chicken strips.
At a nearby table sat the cast from a Tennessee Williams play, eight elderly men, some hatted, one with bling that made you reach for your sunglasses.
The ring leader (literally) told us they were there to celebrate their friend's 41st wedding anniversary, a surprising notion since there was no wife, or any other woman come to that, to be seen.
"Bee-yun to Graceland yet?" drawled our gentleman caller. "Uh noo Elvis. Uh re-yallee de-ud." He picked his tooth with a craw fish claw. "Bee-yun to London too. Met the quee-un and went to Piccadilly Sqway-uh."


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