Living the American Dream

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Part In The Inauguration

When I first arrived in the United States nearly two years ago, I thought Barack Obama was how dyslexics referred to Osama Bin Laden. Since then I have followed his progress and like the rest of the country, make that world, will be glued to my TV set on Tuesday.
But I never thought this auspicious event (the inauguration, not my watching TV) would actually impact on my career, such as it is. Today I learnt otherwise, when I was invited to be the guest on a blog talk radio program airing on Monday evening.
I don't know what makes me more excited. That my story can draw some kind of parallels with such an enormous change, or that I can do it without the effort of having to dig myself out of a foot of snow to do it!
In an age when you can talk to friends around the world via the Internet, I can appear (not sure that's the right word) on radio from the comfort of my own office.
I'll be talking about my favourite subject these days - me, and answering any questions from listeners. Best, or maybe that should be worst, of all, I won't have to buy a new outfit, get my hair done or lose 20lbs before Sunday. As someone once quipped, I have the perfect face for radio!
I'd never really seen myself as a political pundit, although it's hard not to be living in Illinois, the state where the circus is always in town. So if you want to hear what I sound like without the aid of a written blog to hide behind, listen in at 8 p.m. central time on Monday 19th.


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