Living the American Dream

Monday, May 17, 2010

Civil Duty

Yesterday found us hard at work handing out programs at the Naper Settlement for Civil War Days. The event included a full scale battle re-enactment complete with rifles and canons. Unfortunately Grumpy was included among the wounded - he suffered a paper cut.
"Dearest Mary, I am writing this letter because e mail hasn't been invented yet."
"Ok troops, rally at the bottom of the mountain...."
John tries to take photographs before realizing it's actually a carrot slicer.

"You'll never get the photo if you insist on using a carrot slicer."
Civil War doze....
Captain Bigsby fails to notice the cannon is firing from the wrong end.

"I told you to go before the battle ..."
The real reason Abe Lincoln wanted peace was because he couldn't stand the noise of cannon fire.

"Are you sure the other kids are going to be dressed like this on the first day of school?"
Mind the Gap!
"Give us a hand will you?"


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