Living the American Dream

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why Facebook Is Like Primary School

1. You never really learn anything much from it, you just think you do.
2. It makes you feel popular, even when you may not be.
3. It gives you the chance to tell to everyone what you did last night, even before your first class.
4. It gives you the opportunity to say "I'm not going to be your friend anymore" by blocking someone - the biggest insult of the social media age.
5. You can tell everyone who you like, which sort of suggests if they want to be your friend you should like it too.
6. It helps make the smallest thing into something huge, when the reality is the people who have something 'huge' don't have time to facebook about it all day.
7. It gives you something to do during the day before your parents/children/husband comes home.
8. You can play games on it when other people think you are working.
9. You can tell everyone what you did on your vacation/at the weekend without them having to actually listen.
10.It gives you something to blog about when you are treated childishly by a former 'employer' and are looking for work.


  • Just love that last one Hilary - lol Stephanie

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 AM  

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