Living the American Dream

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

There's No Business Like Show Business

A few weeks ago I was at our regular Friday night synagogue service when the cantor asked me what I thought of the idea of a dinner dance fundraiser for the festival of Purim in March. She explained that usually they put on a play, but this year could find no director, so she was trying to think of an alternative.
"I could direct your show," I heard a disembodied voice behind me say. "I've experience and love drama."
Looking round I realised the enthusiastic person was me. So with nothing but a few very amateur productions under my belt, here I was, volunteering for something possibly way out of my league.
Wrapped up as usual in my own self importance, I stupidly thought the cantor somehow knew I had had experience in England and that I was a columnist for the local paper. I thought it was her crafty way of getting me to help.
Turns out she had no idea who I was, apart from the strange English woman who had joined the congregation back in March.
So now I'm in charge of a newly formed amateur dramatic group with eight weeks to put on a show at the synagogue.
The script and music have already been written by other members of the congregation, so it is up to me to organise rehearsals and make sure the acting is up to scratch.
All the time I would have spent jobsearching (!) is now devoted to adding to the script, organising everybody and running rehearsals. Naperville being what it is, we are now turning what in England would be a very minor little show into something of Broadway like proportions, not easy when your stage is the centre of a synagogue.


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