Living the American Dream

Monday, February 04, 2008

Hate Crime

No one in the public eye can be universally loved, so I really feel I have arrived. Today I got my first piece of hate mail! This was forwarded on to me by my editor, following a column I wrote touting for work in a humourous (so I thought) manner. Just goes to show, I'm not as funny as I thought!

Your columnist who solicited for work a few weeks ago has really stuck in my craw and I can't read your paper without becoming irate every day.
This woman HAS A JOB ALREADY and if she wants to hand it over to me, I'll gladly take it and not abuse the position.

As a 50 year-old-woman who chose to stay home with my kids, I also have a hankering to get a decent part-time job, but can't because the opportunities that suit my needs don't exist. That's the price one pays for being a stay-at-home parent; your career ends and you have to take what you can get when you are ready to enter the work force again.

However, this woman ( who has the ideal job) wants to use her platform to beg for more work. What a boon for her! The paper gives her her very own megaphone to scream " I want a job and can't find one-please call me and hand me the ideal 2nd job". What about those of us who send resumes non-stop, looking for the job that will use our skills and give us satisfaction but won't infringe upon our first job: being there for our little ones?

Bottom line, the woman abused her position, isn't very interesting anyway and deserves to look for a full-time job elsewhere.

Need a writer? I am published and have plenty of ideas that women who don't exactly fit into the ' Naperville mold" would love to read. Ever heard of average children, or middle-income, or economy cars, or doing our own yardwork, or's an idea NOT taking a vacation to Europe during spring break because our money goes to our college kid who did not get a scholarship!!!

I’m so sorry Hilary Decent’s column made you so angry. I will forward your feedback about the column topic to her. I’m sure she will appreciate your perspective.

In Hilary’s defense, you should know she is a part-time freelance writer for us. As someone who has been published, I’m sure you have an understanding of just how little money freelance writers sometimes make. Without disclosing details, let me just say, Hilary’s case is no exception. I think her intention was to offer readers more of a light-hearted romp about trying to find a job than to conduct a serious job search. Though, now that you’ve pointed it out, I can see how readers might have taken it that way.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on this matter. I wish you the very best in your endeavors.

If the reader knew what I actually earn, she certainly wouldn't be jealous. Let's just say it's lucky I don't have to drive to the office, because what I am paid wouldn't pay for the petrol, and that's not an exaggeration!


  • Instead of being such a whiner, she should take a leaf out of your book (column) and start creating her own opportunities - although, if she decides to write, she would do well to be less cranky..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:25 PM  

  • Oooooh er missus - I wouldn't like to meet her in a dark alley.

    By Blogger Adele, at 2:45 PM  

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