Living the American Dream

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Hope We Can Find Our Way To San Jose

Tomorrow morning we're off on a little adventure. Grumpy is going to a computer conference in San Jose, California and against his better judgement, he's taking me with him. Despite not having a real job myself, last week I attended a leaving do, and now a conference. This is so much better than actually working! I like to think I'm going to play the role of the trophy wife while I'm there, but if I am a trophy, Grumpy must have won third place.
I'm taking my laptop with me, so click in next week to get a sideways view of this year's SHARE conference. According to their website, SHARE Inc. is an independent, volunteer run association providing enterprise technology professionals with continuous education and training, valuable professional networking and effective industry influence. It'll be jam packed with thousands of computer nerds talking about things like LPAR weightage and the zNextGen Mentor Program. (Don't be too impressed, I copied that off their website). I can hardly wait.


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