Time Warped - A Halloween Mystery
Once upon a time, there was a little town called Naperville. The town was filled with neat and tidy people. They kept their beautiful little town so clean, they even cleaned behind the metal memorial plaque stuck on a boulder in Central Park.
However, one day when they were cleaning, they stumbled across a mystery. There was a metal box hidden behind the plaque! They couldn't wait to see what was inside!
They carefully removed the box and took it to City Hall.
Although it may look like an old shoe box, it was actually a time capsule buried in 1939! It was buried by residents celebrating the town's Centennial.
Today the box was opened by Mayor George Pradel, ably supported by various other local dignitaries and members of Naperville Heritage Society. City Hall was packed with excited Napervillians of all ages. They couldn't wait to see what was inside!

Some of the helpers, however, got so bored waiting they decided to show each other photos of their children.
Mayor Pradel finally opened the box to find..... (It's ok, just teasing. This is the empty box after he'd taken everything out).
What he actually found were lots of letters and newspapers of the day, plus a program and medal from the Centennial celebration. There were also a couple of coins from 1839, but no one much cared because they're not worth a dime today....

However, the capsule uncovered a mystery. Hidden amongst the artifacts was a Beidelman's calendar from 1946! How on earth did that get in there when the capsule was buried in 1939?!

But wait, there's more! As the Mayor read the first letter, he discovered the inhabitants of 1930s Naperville did not want the capsule to be opened for 100 years! He had opened it 30 years early! (And you think it's a problem if your kids get to their Christmas presents a couple of days in advance!) Boy, was the City embarrassed!
Councilman Grant Werhli made everyone feel better by presenting a cup that had been owned by his grandfather. It was given to him when he was chairman of that very same Centennial committee.
Some of the helpers, however, got so bored waiting they decided to show each other photos of their children.
However, the capsule uncovered a mystery. Hidden amongst the artifacts was a Beidelman's calendar from 1946! How on earth did that get in there when the capsule was buried in 1939?!
But wait, there's more! As the Mayor read the first letter, he discovered the inhabitants of 1930s Naperville did not want the capsule to be opened for 100 years! He had opened it 30 years early! (And you think it's a problem if your kids get to their Christmas presents a couple of days in advance!) Boy, was the City embarrassed!
Peggy Frank of the Naperville Heritage Society came up with a cunning plan to save the day.
"We're going to bury the time capsule again!" she said.
The audience gasped.
"It's ok," she said. "First of all we'll leave all the items on display in the Pre-Emption House at the Naper Settlement. Then we'll take copies of all the items. After that, we'll get a brand new time capsule and include a letter from our Mayor to the people of the future."
Let's hope the people of 2039 can stand the wait....
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