Living the American Dream

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Dog Whisperer

Since I'm not working at the moment, I've decided to become an anthropologist. I've been studying Daisy's body language in depth an have come up with the following preliminary results:

Action: She stops what she's doing and stares into my eyes until I have an overwhelming desire to give her a treat.
Result: I stop what I'm doing and give her a treat.
Consequence: Daisy is in complete control and I find little bits of dog treat in whatever I've been cooking at the time.

Action: Daisy grips my sleeve/arm with her teeth and refuses to let go.
Result: I consider making bracelets out of live dogs as my next career move.
Consequence: I no longer need gloves because I can poke my fingers through my sleeves.

Action: Daisy sits down and refuses to walk outside on her leash.
Result: I carry her 200 yards, put her on the ground and she walks back home.
Consequence: I'm building huge muscles in my right arm and she looks like a set of bagpipes.


  • I love that last one!! Stephanie

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 PM  

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