Living the American Dream

Friday, December 14, 2007

Getting on Famously: The Sequel

Finally proof I am famous! I am now listed on a local website as 'Hilary, Famous Featured Blogger.
My crusade for self-publicity is reaching dizzying heights this week. Today I was even asked to speak to others at a meeting in the new year discussing how to become famous. Like Paris Hilton, I'm going to be famous for being famous, having actually achieved virtually nothing at all!

So while my meglomania is being fed, here are a few more plans I see for the new year. I'll let you know how they go...

1. The Decents:
A reality show covered by local station NCTV17 showing Ross and I doing really exciting things like watching TV and cleaning the kitchen. (Man, that granite is annoying).
2. The Hilary for President Campaign
...Or maybe someone else is doing that.
3. I Love Hilary:
A black and white sit-com in which I cry hysterically whilst getting into terrible scrapes. Ross tries not to get too exasperated while keeping down his job as world famous computer consultant, or whatever it is he actually does.
4. The Tonight Show with Hilary Decent.
In which I do an hour's stand up routine only occasionally interupted by guests who vie for attention. They lose.
5. Meal or No Meal?
Watch the Decents struggle with their new year's diet.
6. Guest on a national chat show.
This should be easy. There was a chap on Ellen this week who got on simply because he devised a web-site campaign. Turned out he could sing and play the guitar pretty well. Guess I could play Twinkle Twinkle with one hand.
Well that's all for now. Must go. The paparazzi are knocking. I'd love to go and meet them, but my head will no longer fit through the door.


  • errrr...............haven't you two been on the TV before? Remember how that ended up? Second only to a man that actually managed to blow his house up?

    Sorry, haven't you told your new neighbours this? Woooooops!

    By Blogger Adele, at 3:11 PM  

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