Living the American Dream

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hair Raisers!

I dread to think the impact we are having on our neighbours! Yesterday Grumpy received an e mail from John next door asking if he would consider shaving his head! Turns out it's all in a good cause - to raise money for charity. These days Grumpy has enough trouble hanging on to his hair without shaving it off, but I thought it was such a good idea that I am posting this link here.If anyone would like to sponsor John via the internet feel free to do so. Grumpy says he cannot join in this year because we have to attend a wedding a couple of days later. (Excuses, excuses). But he formally promises to take his turn next year, so watch this space!
Alternatively, if you would like to offer John hair styling advice or ask him any questions, write to him at:


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