Living the American Dream

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Indian Summer

Quite frankly I'm getting a little worried about the assignments I'm being sent on lately. Last month it was celebrations to celebrate America's independence from the British, today it's a story about Indian Independence Day. Do you think my editor may be trying to tell me something?
Here in Naperville the Indian population is far smaller than in London, so watching their celebrations today almost made me feel homesick. When I worked in schools the children were always putting on shows of Indian dancing, so it was actually very nice to see the same thing on this side of the Atlantic. With most of these Indians American citizens, it's important for them to make their children aware of their roots.

Mayor Pradel became honorary Mayor Patel for a day as he helped raise the Indian flag outside City Hall.

"I know it's hot, but you'll be able to fan yourself if you hold them like that."
One little girl rehearses for Wheel of Fortune.
"Anyone fancy going for a curry afterwards?"
"Over here!"
These young dancers went through hoops to put on a good show for the crowd.
"Our flag waving is better than your flag waving."
Time for a patriotic song...
Miss India contestants seem to get younger and younger.
"This is how you do it."
One little girl looks forward to Australia Day.


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