Living the American Dream

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


In England people are proud if they never have to see a doctor. In the U.S it's the other way round. Here people are encouraged to go even if they are well! Of course sitting in a doctor's office is a lot more pleasant when you're not throwing up or sneezing, just a bit scary for us Brits (by which I mean, me, the neurotic).
Having spent four years successfully avoiding a 'primary care physician', yesterday we succumbed. I'm still not ill, but after trying to navigate the medical system when Grumpy was hospitalized, I see they play a different role here.
Grumpy and I went along together for our first joint appointment. Being polite I didn't want to bother the doctor with any of my own minor ailments, but I just wanted to make sure he knew exactly what I had to put up with from my other half.
The office was small, with a desk, computer, magazines, chair and a photocopier with a padded top. Turned out this was an examination bed, although I swear there was space for A4 paper in a draw beneath it.
The doctor politely began by telling us we were obese - hardly an ice-breaker if he ever expected to see me ever again.
"Do you exercise?" he began.
"Do I look like I exercise?" I replied, offended before realizing this might not be the answer he was looking for.
Eventually he concurred I was actually quite healthy for someone my age (back handed compliment if ever I heard one), but then again I haven't been through the dreaded slew of tests yet......


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