Living the American Dream

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Immediate Release

I'm unceasingly astonished at how my story is unfolding here. Yesterday I discovered where my career path has been leading. I've been freelancing since I arrived, but more by necessity than desire. All I ever wanted was a regular job in one place, but I wanted it on my terms which is why I never did get round to applying for that job as a shelf filler in Jewel. It's not that there's anything wrong with that kind of work, but with my experience I thought I'd feel really bad when I was rejected.
Anyhow, after appearing in every publication in town, it seems my destiny lies with Glancer Magazine. I hadn't been here long before I wrote to the editor, but never heard from her. It was only when my Grumpy stories were ejected from the Naperville Sun that I thought a magazine would be the perfect place for them.
Ironically I lost work for another local magazine by doing this and Grumpy was really grumpy as he kept pointing out the stupidity of going somewhere that actually paid less.
After all my recent adventures with Patch.Com I really was starting to feel that whichever route I chose was the wrong one. If it were actually easy to get that job at Jewel I was a hair's breathe from giving up on my dream of making a career out of writing.
But as usual it's always darkest before the dawn. As of yesterday I am now the features editor of Glancer Magazine and will work exclusively for them. They have two titles in the Chicago area with another one launching in January. I'm still working part time, but that could change eventually.
The good news is that it means plenty more writing. I'm moving away from news into the world of women's magazines. I'll really miss working for the Naperville Sun, but I realize I've been living in the past. I was always on the outside there and the reason I loved it so much was because as a 75 year old paper I felt I was becoming part of the city's history. It was old Naperville, a place I can never get enough of.
But you can't live in the past. Personally I had no real future with the paper. I was only ever going to freelance as and when. Now I have a shot at a more steady position where I can my talents and learn more. It also means I've re invented myself more times than Doctor Who, but hey, you've got to survive somehow.


  • And didn't Dr. Who look younger with each reinvention? Congratulations!! Stephanie

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:36 PM  

  • congratulations!!! Can't wait for a catch up to find out more.

    By Anonymous Sue, at 12:06 PM  

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